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I Have Skin I Don’t Like on My Upper Eyelid: Do I Need Blepharoplasty or a Brow Lift?

3 Minute Read: 

As you age, you may develop loose skin, sagging tissues, or excess fat pads just beneath your eyebrow, above the eye orbital (eye socket). Since this area is below the eyebrow, many would assume its correction would need to come from an eyelid lift. 
Woman pointing to her brow bone and lifting up skin laxity.

Unfortunately, an upper eyelid lift really targets the area just beneath it (on the eyelid itself). Instead, laxity of the brow bone skin (see where the woman is pointing in the above image) would need treatment with a brow lift.

So, why does this area require a brow lift, and what can an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) achieve?

Read on to learn more about how these two procedures differ to determine which is right for your needs.

What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift addresses the placement of the brows as well as laxity in the forehead. This is why this procedure is often also referred to as a forehead lift. 

Through incisions made along the hairline, forehead tissues (skin and underlying muscles) are lifted, tightened, and secured. 

This surgery accomplishes a few things: 

  1. First, forehead laxity (including horizontal creases across the forehead) is smoothed or eliminated. Frown lines in between the brows are also lessened.
  2. Drooping eyebrows are lifted. This can reshape the look of the brows as well as remove pressure on the upper eyelids. Heavy eyebrows can weigh on the delicate skin of the upper eyelid, pushing it down and potentially obstructing vision.
  3. Lifting the brow also removes pressure on the brow bone skin (the area beneath the eyebrow and above the eye socket), thereby lessening the appearance of laxity and loose skin. (Skin is not removed from this area; however, lifting the brow gives the impression that it is).
  4. Brow lift surgery makes a person look more alert, friendly, and pleasant.

What Is Upper Blepharoplasty?

If you have significant drooping, hooding, or excess skin in the upper eyelids (the skin covering the eyeball when your eyes are closed), upper blepharoplasty is for you. 

Upper blepharoplasty involves an incision made in the crease of the upper eyelid to remove excess skin and fat pads (or relocate those fat pads to a more necessary location).

This surgery accomplishes many things:

  1. Upper eyelid hooding can make the eyes look smaller, resulting in a prematurely aged look. This excess skin also leads to a fatigued or angry appearance.
  2. Upper eyelid hooding also sags to cover a portion of the eye when it is open. This leads to restricted peripheral vision, making activities like driving more difficult.
  3. Patients without a double eyelid crease (common among Asian patients) can undergo this procedure to create a double eyelid.

Blepharoplasty vs. Brow Lift: Which Is Suitable for You?

Choosing between the two options can be more complex than it sounds. In general, a brow lift may be the best option if the signs of aging appear along with the eyebrows and forehead. However, if the problem lies directly within the eyelids themselves, blepharoplasty could be more effective. 

Want to Address Laxity Around Your Eyes? Don’t Wait!

If you have further questions or need help to choose the ideal option, don’t hesitate to contact Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts today by calling (646) 559-2854 or filling out our online contact form.

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