
Arm Lift in Westchester, NY

Losing weight is great for your health and your overall body image, but extreme weight loss may leave you with sagging, loose skin in areas such as your upper arms. Excess tissue in the arms can be uncomfortable and unsightly and is often very difficult to remove with diet and exercise. 

Whether your loose skin is due to weight loss or the result of the natural aging process, an arm lift can restore a more toned and youthful arm contour by trimming away unwanted skin and fat. While this procedure does not build muscles, your existing arm muscles will be on full display, providing a more fit and healthy appearance.

Am I a Candidate for an Arm Lift?

Men and women turn to arm lift surgery to reduce the circumference of their arms and to restore a more defined contour.

Candidates for arm lift surgery do not smoke, are in good overall health with no pre-existing medical conditions that can affect their ability to heal, and have realistic expectations. 

This surgical procedure can benefit men and women with a large amount of tissue laxity in their upper arms. 

How is the Arm Lift Procedure Performed?

At Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts, your arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia.


An incision is made on the underside of your arm, starting at the armpit and finishing at the elbow. Excess skin is trimmed, and localized fat is removed via liposuction. Incisions are neatly closed to minimize the appearance of post-surgical scarring. 

Your arm lift surgery is an outpatient procedure that usually takes between two and three hours to perform.

What Is the Arm Lift Recovery Like?

Most patients will stay in recovery for a few hours until the effects of the anesthesia wear off. 

The incisions will be covered with bandages and dressings, and the arms may be wrapped with compression garments. These dressings will protect the healing incisions, promote blood circulation, and reduce swelling. 

Patients can usually return to office-style jobs within one week; however, more strenuous jobs may require a longer period as you will not be able to lift anything over a few pounds for four to six weeks.

What Results Can I Expect from an Arm Lift Procedure?

Results are noticeable immediately following the surgery but will continue to improve as the incisions heal and the swelling subsides. This can take several weeks. 

Aging will cause a natural reduction in skin elasticity, which can result in minor sagging over time, but the effect will be much less following an arm lift. You can help maintain your results by following a proper diet and exercise routine. 

Interested in an Arm Lift in Westchester, NY?

If you want to hear more about the cost or details of an arm lift surgery in Westchester, New York, call us today at (646) 559-2854 or fill out our online contact form. We are happy to meet with you to determine if you are a candidate.

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