
Mini-Facelift in Westchester, NY

Developing loose, tired skin is a part of the aging process; however, certain lifestyle choices and sun damage can contribute to this. While cosmetic products can improve the condition of your skin, they cannot address deep creases and facial lines. A mini-facelift corrects minor aging problems, such as laxity in the lower face, jowls, and upper neck, without an extended recovery time.

Am I a Candidate for a Mini-Facelift?

A mini-facelift treats sagging jowls and excess skin around your lower face. Candidates for mini-facelift surgery do not smoke, are in good health, and have realistic expectations of their results. 

Most mini-facelift candidates are between the ages of 40 and 50; however, some candidates are younger than that while others are older. Candidacy is determined by the extent of your skin laxity and other facial concerns. 

If you have significant laxity and jowls, a full facelift may be more appropriate. Additionally, you may be a candidate for eyelid surgery or brow lift surgery if you have additional signs of aging on the upper face.

How Is the Mini-Facelift Performed?

A mini-facelift tightens your facial skin and muscles, providing youthful smoothness while maintaining your natural appearance. The mini-facelift is not as invasive as full facelift surgery and can be completed under local anesthesia. The procedure can take between two and three hours to perform.

While the incision placement for a mini-facelift is similar to the traditional facelift, these incisions are much smaller.

For many patients, this procedure enables them to address problem areas without drastic changes and major surgery.

What Is Mini-Facelift Recovery Like?

The mini-facelift is an outpatient procedure, and you can return home shortly after your procedure to recover. 

While this procedure is less invasive than a full facelift, the skin and facial muscles are still being tightened, and it is likely to develop bruising, swelling, tenderness, and soreness. 

Over-the-counter pain medication should alleviate any discomfort, but you will be recommended to schedule one week off work to give yourself adequate time to heal.

What Results Can I Expect From Mini-Facelift?

You will notice the results of your mini-facelift immediately after your surgery, which will continue to improve as the bruising and swelling subside.

A mini-facelift improves the aesthetics of your face by tightening the jawline, cheeks, and neck. Contemporary facelift surgery increases the smoothness and tightness of your skin without leaving your skin looking overstretched, and most patients remain pleased with their mini-facelift results for years to come.

This procedure does not stop the natural aging process; however, you can extend the quality of your results by protecting your skin from the sun, following a healthy lifestyle, and keeping your skin hydrated.

Interested in Mini-Facelift in Westchester, NY?

Dr. Victoria Karlinsky is an accomplished, board-certified cosmetic surgeon. She takes the time to get to know each client and will make sure that you understand all your options.

To learn more about the mini-facelift procedure, including how much you can expect to pay, contact Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts. You can call us at (646) 559-2854 or fill out our online contact form.

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