
Tummy Tuck in Westchester, NY

The abdomen is a difficult area to tone through diet and exercise, and when combined with loose, sagging skin and outstretched muscles, achieving your body contour goals can seem impossible. Whether you’ve gone through pregnancy or recently lost a significant amount of weight, a tummy tuck can get rid of loose skin, unwanted fat, and also tighten your abdominal muscles to give you a slimmer, flatter figure.

Our cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Victoria Karlinsky, is triple board-certified and will customize your abdominoplasty to give you beautiful results. Schedule your tummy tuck consultation at Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts in Westchester, New York today at (646) 559-2854.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

The tummy tuck procedure involves removing excess skin tissue from the upper and lower abdomen and using liposuction to get rid of stubborn fat in the area and sculpt the stomach. Dr. Karlinsky will tighten and reposition your underlying abdominal muscles that have stretched out due to pregnancy or weight gain and provide a contoured midsection. The mini-tummy tuck can also get rid of loose skin and fat and focuses on the lower abdomen below the belly button.

A tummy tuck can trim a protruding belly or overhanging stomach and give you a defined figure again, but it is not the answer to weight loss and shouldn’t be used in place of diet and exercise. Living a healthy lifestyle will ensure long-lasting results. Most of our patients notice their tummy tuck results immediately after the abdominoplasty surgery, which continue to improve in the weeks and months afterward.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

Dr. Karlinsky will discuss the details of your tummy tuck during your initial consultation at our Westchester office. She’ll go over the surgery, anesthesia preparation and provide you with instructions on how to prepare for your tummy tuck. You may need to discontinue taking certain supplements and over-the-counter medications before and after your procedure. If you’re a smoker, you’ll need to quit for your tummy tuck as well.

The abdominoplasty is an invasive procedure, which means Dr. Karlinsky will perform your tummy tuck at our Manhattan surgical facility. We’ll provide round trip transportation, so you don’t have to be concerned about travel. Your follow up appointments will all take place at Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts. Dr. Karlinsky will make an incision from hip to hip and conceal any future scarring under your bathing suit line. She will remove excess fat through liposuction, excise loose skin tissue, and address detached abdominal muscles.

The tummy tuck is an outpatient procedure, so you’ll need a close friend or family member to drive you home from the Westchester office and stay with you for the first day or two to help you get settled into recovery. You’ll likely need to wear a compression garment to help with swelling and bruising while you heal.

The mini-abdominoplasty is less invasive than the full tummy tuck so the recovery takes less time. A mini-tummy tuck is great for those who have minimal loose skin in the lower abdomen.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Consultation at Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts

Dr. Karlinsky can give you the body shape you’ve been working toward with diet and exercise and help you realize your personal goals for a flatter midsection.

Contact our board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Westchester today at (646) 559-2854 to schedule your consultation and see if a tummy tuck is right for you. Westchester Cosmetic Surgical Arts serves patients in surrounding New York areas.

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