
Thigh Lift in Westchester, NY

If you have recently lost a significant amount of weight, you probably look and feel great. However, you may have excess skin around your thighs that you would rather be rid of. 

Thigh lift surgery tightens or eliminates sagging skin and fat on the thigh region to bring your thighs into proportion with your new body contours.

Am I a Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh lift surgery is a safe procedure that produces effective results for patients who are displeased by the look and firmness of their upper thighs. This procedure is common after significant weight loss has resulted in loose or lax tissues. 

Candidates for thigh lift surgery do not smoke, are in good overall health, and have realistic expectations of their results. 

Some patients may be better suited for an additional or alternative body contouring procedure, such as body lift surgery or tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Karlinsky will recommend the best surgical procedure(s) for you during your consultation.

How Is Thigh Lift Surgery Performed?

Thigh lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia in roughly two to four hours. Your thigh lift technique will be dependent on the extent of excess skin and fat, and this technique will be discussed during your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Karlinsky.

What Is a Vertical Thigh Lift?

The vertical thigh lift addresses sagging skin and excess fat on the inner and outer thighs. An incision is made on the inside of the thigh that begins in the groin area and extends downward. The length of the incision will depend on the amount of tissue laxity.

Liposuction may be combined with this procedure to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat on the inner and outer thighs.

What Is a Medial Thigh Lift?

A medial thigh lift addresses the inner and outer thighs as well as the back and the front of the thighs. This 360-degree thigh correction involves an incision that runs around the groin area.

Liposuction may be combined to remove stubborn pockets of unwanted fat. 

What Is My Thigh Lift Recovery Like?

Thigh lift surgery is an outpatient procedure, and you will be able to return home on the day of your surgery. While you will be able to walk on your own, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home and help around the house for the first two days. 

Most patients take up to two weeks off of work and their normal activities to recover. While you will want to rest as much as possible, it is essential to get on your feet for leisurely walks around your house or neighborhood. This will ensure proper blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. You can resume all strenuous activity after four to six weeks.

Depending on the type of thigh lift you underwent, you may develop scarring along the groin area or on the inside of the upper thighs. These scars will fade with time. 

What Results Can I Expect From a Thigh Lift?

Your thigh lift will start to produce results immediately, which will continue to improve over the following weeks and months. You will notice an improvement in the way your skin feels and looks. Best of all, the loose, saggy skin and pockets of fat are gone.

Natural sagging may occur with age. However, the results of your thigh lift are typically long lasting, barring significant weight gain.

Interested in Thigh Lift Surgery in Westchester, NY?

Westchester Surgical Arts is a boutique practice that provides all of its patients with personalized care plans. If you want to improve something about your appearance, we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. To find out more about thigh lift surgery and the cost of the procedure in Westchester, New York, call us at (646) 559-2854 or contact us online.

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