
Inverted Nipple Surgery in Westchester, NY

With societal expectations around body beauty so high, many women with minor breast imperfections can become self-conscious. One of the most common corrective surgeries addresses inverted nipples. In these cases, the nipple appears to be indented, an “innie” rather than an “outie,” as we sometimes say of belly buttons.

Inverted nipples may be congenital, but they can also occur with surgical scarring, aging, weight loss, or breastfeeding. Whatever the cause, inverted nipples can cause discomfort—from impacting milk production in lactating women to negatively affecting confidence and self-esteem. They can be a source of embarrassment for both men and women.

Am I a Good Candidate for Inverted Nipple Surgery?

If you are unhappy with the shape and position of your nipples but are in good health, then you are likely a good candidate for nipple correction surgery. Be aware that the particulars of your medical history may have an impact on eligibility and recovery. And if you are obese or a smoker, your surgeon may suggest you make lifestyle changes prior to surgery.

How Should I Prepare for Inverted Nipple Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions, both pre and post-operation. Get lots of rest and clear your schedule for at least a few days so you can recover properly.

There is a grade scale for nipple inversion ranging from one to three. A full pre-procedure consultation with your board-certified cosmetic surgeon will determine the precise course of the surgery based on where the inversion lies on that scale.

How Is Inverted Nipple Surgery Performed?

The procedure itself is brief and can be performed under local anesthesia (if the inversion correction is being done alongside other surgical procedures, such as breast augmentation, a general anesthetic may be called for). A small incision is made to release whatever skin, tissue, or duct tension causing the nipple to invert. Sutures are then applied to stabilize the nipple. And then the recovery begins.

Many patients choose to combine inverted nipple surgery with other breast enhancement procedures, such as a breast lift or augmentation.

What Is Recovery From Inverted Nipple Surgery Like?

Full recovery from any surgery is dependent on the patient, but once the swelling has subsided, you should quickly be able to return to a normal schedule. You will be able to resume physical exercise within a week or two. Many patients experience tenderness and swelling following inverted nipple surgery, but the severity and duration are difficult to predict. For most, it is minor.

What Results Can I Expect From Inverted Nipple Surgery?

You will be able to notice results immediately, and they will become more and more clear as swelling subsides. Results can be very long lasting, even permanent, but this will vary from patient to patient.

Interested in Learning More?

If you would like to learn more about the procedure and the cost of inverted nipple surgery in Westchester, New York, call Westchester Surgical Cosmetic Arts now at 646.559.2854 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a one-on-one consultation. Boosting personal confidence with minor cosmetic alterations can reap rich rewards in life quality and wellbeing.

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