
Perineoplasty in Westchester, NY

The perineum is the area between the vagina and the anus. Often, during childbirth, the perineum is torn. These tears (or surgical cuts) usually heal without complications; however, sometimes the healing process can result in excessive scar tissue or deformities that cause lasting discomfort or pain. A perineoplasty procedure looks to repair the perineum.

What Are the Reasons for Getting a Perineoplasty?

Women may choose to get a perineoplasty for medical or cosmetic reasons. Some of the reasons you may opt for perineoplasty if:
  • You have suffered extensive tearing during childbirth that hasn’t healed well
  • You have experienced vaginal laxity and an associated reduction in sexual feeling
  • You have seen changes in bowel movements
  • You have vaginal itching that hasn’t subsided
  • You have “trigger points” that are painful when trying to insert anything into the vagina
  • You have continued pain and discomfort after your recovery from childbirth
  • You require episiotomy revision (fixing a poorly healed episiotomy)

Am I a Candidate for Perineoplasty?

A good candidate for perineoplasty:
  • Experiences at least one of the problems mentioned above
  • Is in generally good health
  • Isn’t a smoker or is willing to give up smoking pre and post-surgery

Women should be aware that if they go through childbirth post-perineoplasty, it may alter the operation’s results. If you can wait, it is generally best to get perineoplasty after you are done having children. However, if you are in pain or discomfort, you shouldn’t postpone the operation.

How Is Perineoplasty Performed?

Your surgeon makes a small incision at the vaginal opening and removes excess tissue. This will allow the vaginal opening to be reduced in size and the opening’s muscular supportive tissues to be repaired. The ultimate goal of the surgery is to restore normal anatomy.

If the vaginal walls have prolapsed, then the surgery may need to be more extensive and include restoring the pelvic anatomy.

What Is Perineoplasty Recovery Like?

Generally speaking, a perineoplasty operation takes about one hour and does not usually require an overnight hospital stay.

After the surgery, you will need to obey the following guidelines:
  • Avoid sex for six to eight weeks
  • Avoid all strenuous exercise and heavy lifting—this includes lifting a child
  • Use a donut cushion whenever sitting
  • Listen and obey all your doctor’s instructions 

What Results Can I Expect From Perineoplasty?

A perineoplasty looks to correct any existing issues so the patient can get back to their normal, pre-childbirth genital state. It also tightens the vaginal opening, which can help restore sexual feeling in women who have suffered vaginal laxity due to childbirth. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, the perineoplasty should fix or reduce it.

Women can start to feel the results from their perineoplasty develop immediately post-surgery.

Perineoplasty can also be performed at the same time as vaginoplasty or labiaplasty.

Interested in Perineoplasty in Westchester, NY?

You should not have to live with discomfort or decreased sexual feeling. Get back the vagina you had pre-childbirth with a perineoplasty. To book your perineoplasty consultation with Westchester Cosmetic Arts, call 646-559-2854 or fill out our online contact form.
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