In the Media
Everything You Need to Know About Getting Facial Fillers
Fashion Times and Beauty World News feature Dr. Karlinsky’s opinions on the new temporary “Vacation Breasts” augmentation procedure using liquid injections.
Plumper bigger breasts & cleavage with liquid injections? Yes, but unfortunately only temporarily. Also featured on Beauty World News.
Look Your Best with Ultherapy at New Look New Life Surgical Arts.
Dr. Victoria Karlinsky said on Daily News that the only difference in Uma Thurman’s new look was makeup!

George Clooney put on 15lbs in 3 months! Dr. Karlinsky tells ENQUIRER what contributes to weight gain for men over 50.

Dr. Karlinsky and other surgeons give their opinions on possible treatments and procedures Ashlee Simpson may have done to make her look refined.

Ultherapy procedure is perfect for patients who are showing signs of aging but for whom surgery is not an option.

Victoria’s Secret models aren’t “hot”; they provide unattainable concept of beauty. Dr. Karlinsky believes that no one should undergo cosmetic surgery in order to look like somebody else.

BTB: Jane Wilkens Michael: No Wrinkles

Dr. Victoria Karlinsky joined Jane Wilkens at iHeartRadio to discuss the latest procedures, treatments and trends for keeping everyone looking and feeling fabulous.

Beauty Resolutions: Your eyebrows are looking great! Browlift injectables from cosmetic surgeon Victoria Karlinsky

Dr. Karlinsky and New Look New Life featured in both the print and online version of November 30th, 2014 El Diario and La Opinión newspapers.

“Beauty is our Addiction” blogger writes about her first Dysport injections with Dr. Victoria Karlinsky.

Dr. Karlinsky is asked to look at Kim Kardashian’s recent photos in Paper Mag and give her opinion on Kim’s possible buttock implants.

Dr. Karlinsky is interviewed regarding Kim Kardashian’s speculated buttock enhancement.

She appreciates Kim’s curves and hopes women have realistic expectations when contemplating buttock implants.

To avoid bad practices that can endanger your life, it’s important to find a certified and experienced plastic surgeon, says Victoria Karlinsky on “La Opinion.”

Expert cosmetic surgeons discuss what women are looking for in a breast augmentation.

Dr. Karlinsky comments on women’s love for their curves and the less-conservative approach.

Victoria Karlinsky tells “Us Weekly” what procedures Renee Zellweger may have done.

Beauty World News interviews Dr. Victoria Karlinsky about actress Renee Zellweger’s recent cosmetic procedures. Dr. Karlinsky suggests being conservative with cosmetic surgery.

The New York Times features Dr. Karlinsky’s expert opinion on actress and singer Renee Zellweger’s possible recent cosmetic procedures.

Dr. Karlinsky believes in aging gracefully, but also agrees that appropriately utilizing products and procedures that the modern times offer can greatly help with self-esteem.

Dr. Karlinsky shares her expertise on actress Renee Zellweger’s before and after photos. While Dr. Karlinsky agrees that Zellweger’s appearance has changed, she says she does not look “done.”

Dr. Karlinksy comments on the hype of actress Renee Zellweger’s hearsay cosmetic surgery procedures.